There's A Storm A'Comin'!
I have lived in the Midwest my entire life. I have been surrounded by cornfields, dirt roads and small towns. Some may consider those things a blessing or a curse, depending on how you look at it. The one thing that really sticks out in my mind though is the snowstorms that we used to get as a kid. I don't know if it is one of those times when as a child everything seems bigger than life and then in adulthood you realize just how small something truly was? But I know that some of the snowstorms that happened during my childhood were huge, by any means of measuring! The current weather forecast for our area in the next couple of days is predicting one of those good old fashioned, huge snow storms. Now, some people will panic and head to the grocery store and clean out the bread aisle, the milk cooler and the egg cooler, because of the "maybe" snowstorm. These folks would be your former boy scouts and girl scouts who still live by the "be prepared" motto...