I always wanted to be a cheerleader and the good Lord knows that I have the lungs for it! I love the idea of someone actually giving me permission to cheer as loud as I can-awesome! I also like words that you can take and turn into an acrostic. An acrostic, as some of you may know is when you take a word and for each letter in that word assign it a word that starts with that letter. For example, F.R.O.G. means Fully Rely On God, or how about this one, C.O.W. means Cloud Of Witnesses. Anyway, you get the picture. I began thinking about the word GRACE and how this word should be one that ALL christians use and share freely with everyone. After all, God's grace is free and anytime there is something being given away for free everyone wants to hear about it-right? Can't you just see the Sunday morning service with the minister giving his sermon flanked by cheerleaders on each side dressed appropriately, of course, encouraging the crowd to cheer, "Give me a G, give me a...