Unashamed to Worship
For those of you who know me you know that I am a passionate person. I am passionate about my family, my children, my job, serving others and I am passionate about worship. Worship is something that makes me feel closer to God and it is a place where I can sing and praise Him and He will know that I am His. I guess I would say that my passion for worship started when I was very young. I grew up in a penecostal church surrounded by VERY passionate worshipers! I remember being a small child and hiding under the pew with my sister because we didn't understand why everyone was hollering and waving their hands all over the place. As we grew older we soon realized that this was an act of worship, sometimes a very loud and obnoxious act of worship, but to each his own I guess. I know that for most of my fellow parishioners they were sincere in their worship and they truly were "moved by the spirit." However, there were those who I felt were worshiping for show or maybe ...