Is There a DisneyWorld in Heaven?

We just returned from visiting the "happiest place on earth"-Walt DisneyWorld. I don't know about the "happiest place" on earth, (ie: an upset child and a red faced adult at every corner), but it was definately one of the best family vacations we have ever had. For those of you that have not had the Disney experience yet, let me just give you a brief overview of what you can expect while you are there. At each theme park there are people that greet you with a smile and a "hello", and not just when you first walk in, but all day long. There are rides and attractions that are out of this world and that will engage the imagination. There is a multitude of restaurants to choose from and all of the servers are very attentive and curteous. Sounds like Heaven on Earth, doesn't it? As I was walking around Disney with my family and watching the joy that my children were experiencing, I couldn't help but think to myself,"Wouldn't it be great if everyone could anticipate getting to Heaven with as much joy as they do about DisneyWorld? Whenever there is someone who wins a great event or game the reporter will ask, "And now that you have won...what are you going to do?" Answer:"I am going to DisneyWorld!"
It really made me think about this when we arrived at the Magic Kingdom and saw Cinderella's castle from a far. It is breathtaking and you feel like you are in another world.
Picture this......You have just arrived at Heaven and you have been greeted at the gates by smiling, friendly angels, when suddenly the lights brighten and you hear the voice of God, "I am pleased with you, my faithful servant, you may now enter into eternal life." As you walk through the gates it is everything that you had imagined, and then some. The sun is shining and there is a cool breeze blowing, with the scent of thousands of flowers delighting your sense of smell. In the distance you see something, but it is partially hidden by a cloud. You continue walking, and you realize that you don't feel the aches and pains that your body suffered here on earth. Suddenly the clouds begin to part and you see a castle, the most glorious castle you have ever laid your eyes on. There is someone standing outside of the castle, but you can't make out who it is yet. As you get closer, your heart begins to race, because you realize who that someone is. You would recognize him anywhere, it is Jesus. He is standing with his arms out stretched and he is waiting for you. As you fall into his arms he says, "Welcome home my child, we have been waiting for you." "We?", you ask. And as Jesus pulls back there in front of you are all of your loved ones that had gone before you, parents, children, grandparents and friends. There is a big celebration and when it is all done you are happier than you have ever been. You realize at that moment what all of your heartache was for, what all of your suffering was about and what all of your sacrifice was meant to accomplish. It was all to secure your place in Heaven, to have everlasting life, and to live in an eternal home. DsineyWorld to some could be considered a little bit of Heaven on Earth, but I know that there is something greater in store for those who believe.
"There will never be night again. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, because the Lord God will give them light. And they will rule as kings forever and ever." Revelation 22:5 No one knows exactly what Heaven will be like, but if scripture is any indication, it will be awesome! DisneyWorld is a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. That is how I feel about earth, "a great place to visit", but I wouldn't want to live here forever. I want my eternal home to be in Heaven. I want to walk through those gates and hear my God and savior say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." I want to enter the castle of the King and be in awe. Living a life that will make God proud is the "ticket" into this eternal DisneyWorld. They have everything you could ever want....and then some! When someone asks me "Nicole, where are going when this life is over?" Answer:"I am going to Heaven!"
PS-God, if at all possible, I could definately live without ever hearing "It's a Small World" ever again! Thanks!



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