Be An Example

Do you remember the "good ole days" of when you were a teenager? You felt as if you were invincible and you could dare life without even blinking an eye? For some of you reading this those teenage years may be harder to remember than others and if you are a teenager reading this don't stop-I promise this isn't a post about "back when I was your age..." This is a post about making wise decisions even if you have the rest of your life ahead of you. Because believe it or not-some of those decisions you are making now as a young adult will have their effects on you for the rest of your life. Now, I know what some of you are thinking, "Yeah, but if I don't get caught or no one ever finds out about what I did, it doesn't matter, right?" WRONG! God will know and more importantly you will know. Maybe you don't attend church regularly or you might not even believe in God but I am here to tell you that every choice you make and every action that you take is seen by God and others, whether you believe in Him or not. There are certain things in life that are seen as "rites of passage." Such as, getting your license at 16, buying tobacco at age 18 and drinking legally at age 21. These are all things that you are given the choice to do once you reach those ages. Some of us took those "rites" long before we were legally allowed to do so. The difference is that when some of those things that are tried as a young adult become a habit-it can turn into a life long struggle with addiction. We live in a world were there are so many things out there that are so easy to become addicted to because they promise us a "getaway" from the "real" world that it seems like a mini vacation. What is your drug of choice? I know that the pressures of this world are ever pounding at the door of our hearts and minds, but you have to be strong! This weekend I witnessed some very strong young adults and I am so proud of them and the integrity that they showed. As I was reading through scripture this verse stuck out to me, "Do not let ANYONE treat you as if you are unimportant because you are young. Instead, BE AN EXAMPLE to the believers with your words, your actions, your love, your faith and your pure life." 1 Timothy 4:12 I love to be around young people and to see the hope for the future and the pure joy that they get out of life! My heart breaks every time I hear about another young adult who took their own life, who lost their life to addiction or maybe just made poor choices and now feels as if there is no hope. I am here to tell you that there is hope, no matter what you have done in the past. Jesus is waiting with his arms open wide and with one grace filled "welcome home" He is ready to accept you and love you just as you are. To those young adults and even adults still fighting the good fight, don't give up and please continue to do the right thing because there are those that are watching and waiting to see what it is or Who it is behind your strong convictions. Let them see the love and grace of Jesus through you. If there is anyone that is reading this and would like to talk with me, I am not claiming to be any kind of an expert on a particular subject but I will listen to you without judgement and pray with you. Please private message me if you would like to chat. I pray that God will lead you in all of the decisions that you make today and always. Blessings-Nicole


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