"It's A Wonderful Life....."
One of my favorite movies of all time is Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life." I am assuming if you have never seen it, you have at least heard of it. Here is a brief synopsis; George Bailey has lived a life of humility and serving others, he has given up his hopes and dreams in order to further someone else's along, he has always chosen to do the "right" and noble thing, even at times when he was tempted to give into his selfish desires. Then the bottom falls out. He realizes that the "almighty dollar" is more powerful than he could have ever imagined. George does not continue on with his positive attitude, but instead he realizes that he would be worth more dead than alive. An angel, of sorts, appears to George and gives him the opportunity to see what life really would have been like had he not ever been born into the world. Have you ever thought, "I just wish things would slow down!" or "I just wish that our family would have nothing to do so we could spend some time together!" Or maybe this one, "If I only had more time at home to (fill in the blank)."
I am almost certain that a global pandemic was not the means, that anyone wished for, to meet the ends of having all of this time on our hands. Like you, I am still working. I am working from home and there is still a demand on some of my time, but I am not getting up every morning and going "into" my place of employment. There is a different feel, a slower pace, a more empathetic nature to this life. If we put all political views and media stories aside I think that for the most part our world has become more empathetic. Our empathy for other countries that have went thorough this, our empathy for parents that are dealing with being a parent and a co-teacher now, our empathy for those who have lost jobs, our empathy for those who have lost loved ones from this virus, our empathy for healthcare workers and our empathy for our fellow man or neighbors has grown or at the very least made us more aware of each other's feelings. So, you are seeing what the world would be like if time stood still, slowed down for a while. How will you make the most of it?
What does the Bible say about slowing down? In Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations and I will be exalted in the earth." Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 John 2:17 "The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." This time in our lives may never happen again. You can look at it as an inconvenience or as an opportunity. You can spend your time pinning for the life you had or embrace the fact that you still have a life to live. You can dwell on how things "used to be" or start making memories with the way things are now. George's angel Clarence says to him, "You've been given a great gift George: A chance to see what the world would be like without you." (It's a Wonderful Life) I say to you, "You've been given a great gift (insert name): A chance to see what the world would be like with more time to make memories and less time to hustle, more time to create and less time to "crunch", more time to make spending time with God a number one priority and less time to make excuses as to why He is not already number one.
Just like the movie, sometimes we want what we don't have or we seem to know what would be the best for ourselves and our loved ones. But here is where the plot thickens-we are not in control. As much as we want to think we are, it isn't true. God is in control. Even when it seems like there are more people dying and more people living a Godless life, He is still in control. Even when money is tight and jobs are lost, He is still in control. Even when it seems like all hope is lost, He is still in control. You have to be willing to step away from the steering wheel and allow God to take over. It doesn't mean things will get easier, but it does mean that you will not be navigating through this life alone. Trust in God and put your hope in Him. Tell Him your fears and anxieties! Cry out to Him! Praise Him! God is always there, even when you turn away.
This is a crucial time for our nation. We haven't seen the last of the affects that this pandemic is going to have on our world. I can't imagine facing even one day of this without having God at my side.
It's a Wonderful Life. You have a chance of a lifetime; the gift of time. Time to make memories, time to spend with loved ones, time to read, create and dream. Some may not see this pandemic as a gift, and I am not trying to make light of what a tragedy this is to so many. I am trying to see the sun through the clouds, the sliver lining, the fact that we have been given something that is a "once in a lifetime" opportunity. A chance to see what the world would be like if everything changed-if everyone was "forced" to slow down and change their life and a chance to reflect and be grateful for all of the blessings we have been given. Another quote from the movie; "You see George, you've really had a wonderful life. Don't you see what a mistake it would be to just throw it away?"
I really have a wonderful life. It would be a mistake for me to just sit and give into my fears and not use this time I have been given to trust in God and to make memories of this wonderful life!
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